Options only for the specific models such as operation checker, electrostatic capacitance generator, electrostatic capacitance generator, etc. and common options utilizing for most of products are available.
Model OC-NH
The level switch operation checker is designed as an auxiliary calibrator to inspect and set the sensitivity of the NQH and NSH models.
Click here for more information on Level switch operation checker.
Model NQH-○○○W / Model DTA-○○○W
This operation indicator lamp can be integrated in the level switches for Model NQH and DTA and is water proof design capable of using outdoor.
Click here for more information on Operation indicator lamp for level switch.
Model OCT-○W
This operation indicator lamp with LED light can be offered to general-purpose level switch (Model OCT) for indoor use.
Click here for more information on Operation indicator lamp for general-purpose level switch.
Model ○○○-W
This Integrated type indicator (digital meter) can be installed in both detector and transducer in level transmitters.
Click here for more information on Integrated type indicator.
Model LI-100
This separated type indicator (analog meter) can be offered for outdoor use for level transmitter of Model NSB and also used for safe area (Non-explosion area).
Click here for more information on Separated type indicator.
Model DM-C
Device for measuring the electrostatic capacitance in electrostatic capacitance type level switches and transmitters.
Click here for more information on Electrostatic capacitance measuring device.
Model SVC-500 Model SVC-1000
This device, a precision variable capacitor, is low-loss, low-inductance and highly stable. It is designed for capacitance measurement based on the substitution or resonance method.
Click here for more information on Electrostatic capacitance generator.
Model CM-R
This device is fixed resistance with terminal converting value of ZERO, SPAN, 25%, 50% and 75% into pure resistance to confirm the linearity.
Click here for more information on Fixed resistor for conductivity meter.
Model DL-MP
The small measurement probe for laboratories is designed to measure electrical characteristics such as relative permittivity and conductivity of the object to be measured sampled in a test tube, beaker or other small vessel.
Click here for more information on Small measurement probe for laboratories.
Model AS-3
The Oil film detector alarm setting device, specifically designed for oil film detectors.
Click here for more information on Oil film detector alarm setting device.
Model SP-2
This device is used to counter static electricity when measuring static prone materials such as resin pellets. It is totally separated models of capacitive level transmitters and capacitive level switches.
Click here for more information on Static electricity arrestor.
Model SK-2
The Lightning arrestor of standalone type is designed to minimize lightning risks, which can be used with most products irrespective of the type of measurement system.
Model LD-S
This lump detector calibrating spring scale is used as an auxiliary instrument to strain-based lump detectors.
Click here for more information on Lump detector calibrating spring scale.
Model LD-P
The Lump detector correcting potentiometer unit is an auxiliary device for lump detectors.
Click here for more information on Lump detector correcting potentiometer unit.
This monitoring device is designed to monitor the operating condition (On or Off) or indication of detector with PC, Tablet PC and Smart phone.
DITECH provides various types of peripheral equipment such as indicators (digital panel meters and bar graph meters) and alarm setting devices adjusted with DITECH products.
Various options such as Connection/Mounting, Head case, Nameplate, Inscription, Arrestors, Delay adjustment function, Mill sheet, Alarm setting devices, etc. are available.