Product search by industry

用途別検索 Oil refining Petrochemistry Water treatment Iron manufacture Nonferrous Metal Smelting Food manufacture Pharmaceutical manufacture Power plant Civil engineering and Construction Manufacturer logistics Research and Development DITECH,LTD.

We normally recommend the suitable model from our product line-up, depending on customer's specifiation.
Here is a basic introduction in our models suitable for each industries.

Petrochemistry (Fiber,Resin,Rubber, etc.)

Level detection / Level measurement
Liquid level / Interface / Powder surface measurement during Polymerization, Separation, Kneading, Mixing, Extrusion molding, Empty feeding or Storage tank.

Level switches

Level transmitters

Level transmitters for liquid

Measurement of Viscosity, Electrostatic voltage, Electrostatic current, Fluid load, etc.
Measurement of condition during Polymerization, Separation, Kneading and Mixing.

EX) Synthetic resin polymerization
High density polyethylene, Medium low density polyethylene, Gas phase polyethylene, Wet polypropylene, Vapor phase polypropylene, etc.

Various transmitters

Various detectors

Nonferrous Metal Smelting

Level detection and Level measurement of raw materials or molten metal.

Level switches

Level transmitters

Various detection
Detection of passing / dropping of raw materials and detection of presensce / absence of lumps during iron-manufacturing.

Various detectors

Food manufacture

Level detection and Level measurement in sanitary environment during raw material process or manufacturing process / after production.

Level switches

Level transmitters

Level transmitters for liquid

Measurement of Viscosity, Concentration, Solidification, Relative permittivity, Conductivity, etc.
・Measurement of Viscosity, Form, Lump, Moisture, Oil content, Relative permittivity and Conductivity at mixing of raw materials.
・Concentration measurement at molasses concentraction.
・Coagulation measurement of paste. Detection of passing / dropping of food ingredient.
・Detection of passing / dropping of food ingredient.

Various transmitters

Transmitters for liquid

Detectors for liquid

Various detectors

Manufacturer and logistics

Presence detection / Moisture detection
・Presence detection for stopping automatic machines.
・Detection of moisture in bags like flexible containers as pre-shipment inspection.

Various detectors

Research and Development

Development and Manufacture of special products for needs in research and development field.
Compact sensors for Ultra high temperature, Cryogenic temperature, Ultrahigh-vacuum / ultra high pressure, High load, etc.

Various transmitters

Various options

Various products

Products and Service